Final Week of Term (Summer 1)

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 2:28pm

This week in Springwood we have been writing our own versions of the poem "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou. We used our ipads to record short clips with images and words behind our poems.  The poems were so personal and made Mrs Watkins' eyes a bit watery!

We have finally finished fractions!  We have spent weeks practising new skills.  Everyone has worked so hard and should be proud of the progress  made.

We are all looking forward to half term - lots of us are going away; the weather looks amazing.  


There are so many things to look forward to next term.  Details of individual events will be sent out but we are looking forward to a USA day, the year 6 residential, an activity for year 5, move up days where year 5 get a taste of being the new year 6s and lots of leavers events.


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