Highmoor week commencing 29th April

Date: 3rd May 2019 @ 12:32pm

In maths this week we started by partioning 3 or 4 digit numbers, we then placed them in the correct location on a blank number line and rounded them to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. The year 3s then investigated place value in  money and added and subtracted various amounts. Year 4s looked at Roman numerals and counting on from a given number in 25s. 

In literacy we started the week by looking at the myth of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome. We thought about the dialogue between characters and had a go at writing speech correctly punctuated. We have also been looking at how to structure paragraphs correctly by investigating clothing through the ages and writing information about them.

In science we started to look at our new topic about what happens to the food we eat and investigated our teeth! We looked at them in a mirror and made models of them from play dough. 

Some of the year 4s took part in a tennis tournament and came 3rd. Well done!

Our history topic this term is the Romans. We discussed what we already knew about them and thought about all the things we would like to find out more about and realised that among other things we were very interested in how they bathed! We had a look at some Roman baths and were quite suprised at how different they are to our baths of today! 

On Monday we did athletics with Mr Steele on the common and gym with Mrs Elson on Wednesday.  

Please spend some time practising your times tables this week, including the ones you have already learnt. Some of us afre forgetting those that we have moved on from. 

Have a great weekend. 

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