10th January 2020 - Peppard class

Date: 8th Jan 2020 @ 4:13pm

Happy new year and thank you for our lovely gifts.

Welcome to our week in Peppard class.  We have had much excitement as we began our topic based on the Gingerbread man!  We found a video that shows the Gingerbread man and his friends running through our classroom.  The children were very excited and started using their imaginations to make 'wanted' posters and maps.  They searched for clues and wrote their findings on their clipboards.  We also listened to the story, learned the story so we can retell it to you, and we made our own story maps.  We talked about adjectives to describe the Gingerbread man and made our own pictures of him.

In phonics this week, we have recapped ai, ee, igh and tricky words.  We have played games to support our learning. We have also started writing words, captions and short sentences.

In maths, we have been looking at the different number bonds to make 5 using a variety of resources and games.  The children are starting to use mathematical language and recording their answers.  We have also challenged the children by giving them problems to solve.  

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