Friday 22nd October by Beau and Millie

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 9:41am

Butterfly update

This week the butterflies have continued to hatch from their chrysalis. There are nine in total and we will release them before we go home for half term. We are still waiting for Axel to emerge from his chrysalis. We have all found the process of metamorphosis really fascinating to watch and we can't wait to find out if Axel is a butterfly or moth. 

Capture the flag

Recently we have been playing capture the flag and Mr Steele has let us decide on some of the rules. We all agreed on some that made the game even better. We used the whole of the Common to play and it was really fun.

Art update

We have completed our rainforest wallpaper and it looks great! It took a week to complete in total and we are really pleased with the finished result. 

Have a nice half term. 




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