Greys 12th October

Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 3:28pm

Greys class began the week reading the story of Lila and the secret of rain. We drew story mountains to retell the main events of the story, rewrote the beginning of the story in our own words, thought of adjectives to describe Lila's emotions and finally pretended to be Lila writing diary entries.

In Maths the Year 1s began the week looking at symmetry and the Year 2s were working on directions, using 1/4 turns in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. The Year 1s have then been subtracting by counting back using unifix cubes. The Year 2s revisited their number bonds and have been adding numbers to the next multiple of 10.

In Topic we thought about all the changes that occur in Winter and in RE we finished our topic of Special People by reenacting some of the of the miracles that Jesus performed or thinking of other special people in our lives and the world.

In Phonics the Year 2s have been revisiting some of the common exception words and the Year 1s continued their 'magic e' work and looked at the o sound in hot and cold and the i sound in wild and kit.

The highlight of the week was definitiely our visit to Sutton Courtenay where we learned all about the seasons. We began by renacting a story of the swallows mirating for the Winter to South Africa and their return in the Spring. We met Holly the squirrel and buried conkers for her, only to have to then find them a while later, needless to say not all of us managed to find our original ones. We had a treasure hunt looking for 6 different signs of Autum and talked about the animals that migrate and hibernate in Winter. We created nests for our dormice to keep them nice and warm, which involved all sorts of feather beds and shelters using our amazing imaginations.It was a lovely day and many thanks to all the adults who helped out on the trip.

Show and Tell next week will be about the Seasons

Monday - Ellie

Tuesday - Kit

Wednesday - Phoebe

Thursday - Laila

Friday - Ruby

Have a lovely weekend.

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