Greys 28th April

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 9:07am

This week, Greys have have been continuing their learning of the Three Little Pigs for our English work. We began the week by completing our visual story maps. We then used the maps to correctly sequence the story by writing it out in our own words. On Friday, the children recapped adjectives and had to use them to describe each of the houses in turn. 

In maths, the y1s have been continuing exploring numbers up to 50. We have practised counting backwards and forwards from different starting points, building the numbers with dienes and using ten frames. We moved on to investigating the multiples of 10 up to 50. We have also learned about tens and ones and how this correlates with building a number using diennes, e.g. 24 has two tens, so needs two ten sticks, it has 4 ones so you would need 4 ones cubes. 

The y2s have been carrying on with their multiplication and division unit. They have been introduced to the x symbol and have practised using them in multiplication sentences. They have then explored arrays and today, were introduced to the division symbol, recognising that making equal groups by grouping can help us to write divison sentences. 

In Computing, the children have planned and completed making their flipbooks, having learned how animation began. Over the coming weeks, the children will be using the ipads to create their own stop motion animations.

In PSHE, the year 1s have been investigating the importance of keeping active, balance with the right amount of sleep. We looked at all the benefits of keeping our bodies healthy by keeping them moving. We also looked at the negative impact of not getting enough hours sleep in the evening. We discussed ways that can help us relax ready for sleeping: a warm bath, a story, darkness, calm & quiet time etc. 

In music this week, Greys got out the glockenspiels to continue our learning of our latest song. 

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend, hopefully we'll see some sunshine.

Best wishes,
Mrs W. 

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