Greys class 11th January

Date: 12th Jan 2019 @ 11:51am

Happy New Year!

It was lovely to see the children returning so happy and eager to learn after what is probably one of the most exciting holidays of the year. The children told me all about their Christmas holidays and it sounds as though everybody was very busy and had  an enjoyable break. Well done to those who managed to complete some of the holiday homework tasks.

We began our week by talking about what we did on New Year's Eve and how we celebrate the arrival of a new year. The children thought long and hard about what they had enjoyed doing in 2018 and what they're excited about doing in 2019 and then wrote their own New Year resolutions. It would be a good idea for parents to talk to their children and ask what theirs were, as there were a few children promising to do everything their parents tell them and to keep their rooms tidy, so hopefully there will be some very happy parents in 2019!

This week in Maths the Year 1s have been working on their number bonds to 10 and 20 whilst the Year 2s have been adding near multiples of 10 to 2 digit numbers. They began the week using calculators to identify patterns and then progressed to using number squares, beaded lines and bead strings. Then on Friday they chose which method they preferred to solve a variety of problems. Some children were even drawing their own number lines.

We watched a  short film entitled 'Something fishy' and then created a story map in pairs to retell the story, ensuring that we included time connectives. We then focussed on describing the setting of the underwater world by creating expanded noun phrases, ensuring that we included adjectives and verbs. Some of the chldren even included adverbs and alliteration. We will be continuing with 'Something Fishy' next week as we prepare to write non-chronological reports.

The Year 1s have been working on the 'ar' sound in Phonics this week (a, al, are, ear, ar). We are getting very good at spelling words like 'bath, last and grass' as we know that we have to spell them as Mrs Hawkins would say them and hardly any of us are now writing barth, larst and grarss. The Year 2s had the task of learning how to add suffixes to words ending in e.

We began our new topic "What was it like when the Queen came to the throne in 1953" by thinking of questions we would like to find the answer to about the Queen and the 1950s. We then learned all about the royal family and created the royal family tree. We are all very excited about our trip to Windsor Castle on Wednesday 23rd January to find out more about the Queen and one of her beautiful homes. 

There will be more school trips over the next few months so if you would like to help out then please do let me know.

In Art we drew and painted portraits of the Queen and these will be on display over the next week or so for you to admire. We also began to learn the National Anthem.

In French we recapped on what we have learned so far this year and it was very impressive to find out how much we had remembered. This week we learned how to say Mummy, Daddy, brother and sister.

PE will continue to be on Monday and Thursdays and spelling tests on Mondays. Please continue to read every night if possible, it makes such a difference to the children's enthusiasm and progress.

Show and Tell next week is about the Queen or the 1950s.

Monday - Thea

Tuesday - Rosamund

Wednesday - Edith

Thursday - Sienna

Friday - Evie

Have a lovely weekend!



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