Greys class 12th November

Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 3:06pm

The children were very excited on Monday when we read through the Nativity and gave out the parts. We have asked the children to practise their lines regularly at home and should you have any questions regarding the Nativity please do get in touch.


This week we began reading our new class read The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch, which the Year 2s were very excited about as we read the first Christmasaurus book last year. Mrs Hawkins and the children also got very excited when they discovered that Tom Fletcher has released another book in this series in preparation for Christmas entitled The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List. 


In Literacy we read Traction Man is here by Mini Grey and began by writing sentences to describe how we feel when we wake up on a special day. We looked at the different characters that Traction Man defeated and where and how he defeated them and also who he saved in the process. We analysed pictures to guess what his mission was and clues which helped us come to that conclusion. We are working towards writing our own adventure for Traction Man.


In Maths we have been focussing on subtraction using a variety of methods. We have used crossing out, counting back and counting back to the nearest multiple of 10 and then further, using a variety of methods. The Year 2s have concentrated on using number lines whilst the year 1s have used 10 frames, number lines, bead strings and counters.


On Wednesday we went to Church for our Remembrance service and held our 2 minute silence on Thursday morning. We have been reading Where the Poppies Now Grow by Hilary Robinson and Martin Impey in our group reading sessions and enjoyed the rhyme and repetition of the story.


In Science we looked at the toys that we brought in from home and looked at what they were made from and reasons why they were made from those materials. We then went around the school looking at the materials that are used to make the school building, their properties, why they were used, we suggested other materials that could have been used instead and thought about where you would buy those materials.


In PE we created a sequence to include a balance, a roll, and different way of travelling and in Art we had so much fun creating a firework artwork in the style of the artist, Jackson Pollock. We used a variety of brush techniques, dripping and flicking paint,printing with string and  dragging tools to make different marks. Luckily most of the colours remained on the paper!

Book reviews this week were Tiddler, Monkey Puzzle, The Dinosaur that pooped a pirate and The wonderful what's next for Margot?


Next week book reviews are Freya, Immie and Emmie. Templates can be found in the homework section on School spider or please feel free to create your own.



Reading - Please continue to read for at least 10 minutes daily. As discussed at the parent consultations all Year 1s have a phonetically decodable reading book. They will have 2 books a week, the first on a Monday and that will then be changed on Thursday. Each book needs to be read daily to improve fluency and comprehension and please also practise the words and sounds on the front inside cover. 


Maths - Challenges have been set on Sumdog, please practise 10 minutes daily. Year 1s if you wish to also practise your number bonds to 10 and 20 that would be great and Year 2 continue with your times tables.


Nativity - Please practise your words for the play.


Have a lovely weekend.

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