Greys class 19th November

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 8:33am

This week in Maths the Year 2s moved on to adding 2 digit numbers using a variety of methods including number lines, number square and dienes before practising column addition. The Year 1s continued practising their use of the number line to add numbers. Then on Wednesday we began looking at money, we identified the different notes and coins and practised adding a variety of amounts.


In Literacy we continued with Traction Man and began the week using speech bubbles to describe how the characters in the story were feeling and what they were thinking. We worked in pairs discussing what makes Traction Man a hero and gave examples of when he is a hero. We explained what he wears in different settings and thought of words to describe those settings before moving on to designing and labelling our very own outfit for Traction Man. This final task of the week was loved by all and it was lovely to see how creative the children all were in their designs. Next week we will be planning and writing our own adventure for Traction Man in Big Write.


In Phonics the Year 1s have been working on /oa/ o as in open, /igh/ i as in child, /ai/ a as in paper and /ee/ e as in secret. The Year 2s have been looking at spelling the phoneme /l/ with ‘il’ and ‘al’ at the end of words.


We performed a great experiment in our Science lesson this week whereby we tested different types of paper to see which were waterproof and which were absorbent and also thought about the advantages and disadvantages of different materials used to build our school,


In Art a whole class project began as we continued with our Jackson Pollock lesson from last week and created a background as a group. We revisited different paint techniques and chose thicker brushes for this and then used finer brushes to paint trees and houses. The Year 1s used their mixing skills to make brown for the tree trunks and we chose vibrant and contrasting colours making sure that we we painted carefully using the finer brushes.

Thank you to those of you who did Book reviews this week. We had The Fairytale Hairdresser and the Princess and the Pea and A Dot in the Snow.


Next week’s book reviews are Francesca, Noah & Ely. Templates can be found in the homework section on School Spider or please feel free to create your own.




Reading - Please read for 10 minutes daily and update your reading record as you do so. Can I please remind the Year 1s that the decodable reading books are to be read daily to improve fluency and comprehension. Please continue to practise the words and vocabulary on the inside cover of the books, especially the tricky words. 


Maths - Please practise for 10 minutes daily. Year 2 I have set Sumdog challenges for you linked to the times table that you are currently working on, providing you handed in your blue book on Friday, I have updated that with your current times tables/ division facts. Year 1 I have set you Sumdog challenges linked to what we have been working on in Maths this week.


Nativity - Please continue to practise your lines as rehearsals will be in full swing this week.


Have a lovely weekend

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