Greys class 1st February

Date: 31st Jan 2019 @ 8:13pm

Every Tuesday morning Greys class are lucky enough to have a wonderful lady called Mrs Downing you comes in to listen to them read. This week they were even luckier as they asked Mrs Downing lots of questions about what it was like growing up in the 1950s. It was so interesting we could have listened to her stories all day. That afternoon we wrote down everything we could remember about being a child in the 1950s.

The following day we learned all about the different roles that the Queen has and then thought about what rules we would impose if we were KIng or Queen for a day. There were some very interesting ones and they will be on display in the classroom next week for us all to share. We also thought of questions that we would like to ask the Queen and included them in letters that we are sending to Buckingham Palace, we hope we get a reply!

In Maths we have been working incredibly hard. The Year 1s have been adding different amounts of money totalling a 2 digit number and working out what is 10 more and 10 less than a 2 digit number using a number square. The Year 2s have been adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers using number squares, beaded lines, number lines and some of us drawing our own number lines.

We carried on practising our 'Rock around the clock' routine, which some of us are hoping to perform at the Valentine's Disco and have also been practising our contribution to our Thankfulness church service next Wednesday.

In Phonics the Year 2s have been revisiting common exception words and the Year 1s have been looking at the alternative oi/oy sound.

In French we can confidently recite our days of the week song and have now started to learn the names of the different colours.

On Thursday morning we made scones. We made one plain and then flavoured another with either cheese or raisins and most of us were delighted with the final product.

We have had a focus on trying to imporve our handwriting in class and for homework this weekend I would like you to copy out 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat' in your neatest handwriting and perhaps have a go at learnng it.

Show and Tell next week ( The Queen and the 1950s)

Monday - Dex

Tuesday -Eliza

Wednesday - Maria

Thursday - Max

Friday - Ted

Have a lovely weekend!

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