Greys class 20th November

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:10pm

Welcome to Greys class weekly blog.

This week we have well and truly begun to practise for the Nativity play. Some of
the children have come home with words for their spoken lines and songs, which
we would be grateful if you could help them practise. Hopefully, you should have
all received the letters detailing costume requirements, which were sent home
with the children yesterday. If you have any questions regarding the play or
costumes please do let us know.

In Maths this week, the Year 2s have had a challenging, but fun week learning
how to add and subtract 2 digit numbers using dienes, number lines and the
column method. The Year 1s have been revisiting their fact families but adding
subtractions into them and then using a number track to help them subtract/
count back, rather than using objects.

We read the story ‘Tidy’ by Emily Gravett this week in whole class reading. It was
a lovely story and made us realize how important nature and the wildlife around
us are.

In Literacy we began the week writing our diary entries for Big Write and then,
moved on to A Cloudy lesson, in which we watched a film about a little boy and
his grandfather making a cloud blower. We made our own cloud blowers and
went onto the playground to see if we too could blow clouds/ bubbles in the
shapes of our blowers. We then did some activities, sequencing instructions,
using capital letters and full stops. We highlighted imperative/bossy verbs and
sentence openers/time conjunctions and then wrote our own set of instructions,
making sure that we included everything that we had learnt during the week.

On Tuesday afternoon we went for a walk spotting signs of Autumn and
managed to find most of the signs on our sheets.

We learnt all about Diwali in RE and made our own Diwali lanterns and in Music
we have been busy practising our songs for the play.

Well done to all of you who have used Spelling Shed to practise your spellings,
please continue to do so. Spellings for this week are as follows and will be tested
next Friday 27 th November.

Year 1



Your spellings this week are the alternative e sound so if you wish to practise
some different spellings in addition to these you can do so on the following link. The extra spellings
will not be tested in class.

Year 2


Year 2 times tables are on Sumdog and the children had their first test in class
this week. The times tables test will now be every Thursday, so it is important
that you continue to practise them at home.

Thank you to those of you who are marking the GoRead app when the children
complete the book, it really does save a lot of time in class and is extremely
helpful in ensuring that your child comes home with a new book when they need
one. If you are unsure as to how to do this please do let us know.

Please also remember that the homework set last week is due in on Tuesday via School spider on your scrapbook.

Have a lovely weekend.

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