Greys class 24th September 2021

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 3:19pm

This week in Greys class we continued with Naughty Bus in our Literacy lessons and wrote our own versions of a Naughty Bus story in our first Big Write session of the year. Big Write is done every 2-3 weeks and the children write independently using the skills that they have acquired over the previous 2 weeks in our Literacy lessons. We have relaxing music playing to help us to concentrate and produce some fabulous writing. 


In Maths we have been comparing numbers using greater/ more than, fewer/ less than and equal to and the equivalent mathematical symbols. We also ordered amounts from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest and spent Friday morning practising our 2 times tables.


In Topic we learned all about the Loch Ness Monster and Scotland and wrote newspaper reports about a sighting of Nessie. We watched Barnaby Bear in Loch Ness and listened to the story, There’s no such thing as Nessie, written and read by Chani McBain We also watched Barnaby Bear exploring Wales and drew our own Welsh flags, complete with dragons and used adjectives to describe the dragons.

We enjoyed the story of Mrs Armitage on Wheels in our Reading lessons this week and predicted what might happen after the story, we matched the problems to the solutions from the story and drew story maps of the story.

Our art topic this term is about Textiles so we have begun to have a go at weaving. We have started by using paper creating a two colour design.It was a bit fiddly at first  but we soon got to grips with it and learnt about the meaning of Warp and Weft to help us recognise how the process works.We enjoyed learning about a famous textile designer called Gunta Stolzl who studied in the Bauhaus school of Art in Germany.We have begun to annotate our sketch books by expressing what we like or didn’t like about Gunta Stolzl’s designs and also to self assess our own work and how might be improved. The colourful results of our work are now on display in the corridor.

This morning Mr Steele took the Year 1s for their first visit to Sonning Common library for a tour iand they were also able to choose a book to take home.


Book reviews this week have been George's Marvellous Medicine and a lovely non fction book entitled Trains.


Next week’s book reviews are Ely, Ezra and Elle. Please find templates in the Homework section on the website or you may create your own if you wish.


Please remember to return to your consent forms for our trip to Brooklands on Tuesday. The children will need to be in school for 8:40am as we plan to leave at 8:55am. Please ensure that they have a waterproof coat, packed lunch and water bottle. Some of us will be travelling in the school minibus with Mr Tanner and Mrs Clinkard and Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Johnston will be driving the rest of the children by car. We are all very excited about our first trip of the year.

Many thanks for your reading photos, the book corner display is looking amazing and lovely to see how the reading buddies are helping with reading at home.


Please remember to read daily and update the reading record accordingly. Huge thanks to all of you who have ensured that the children’s books are in school every day. 

Year 1 - I have set a challenge on Sumdog and would like you to spend 10 minutes each day practising what we have been doing this week.
Year 2 - Please continue to practise your 2 times tables on Sumdog for 10 minutes daily. If you are on divide by 2 then please continue to practise x 2 and practise divide by 2 on or in any other app, programme or way you desire. All of the children learn their times tables differently and I know that some are having great success using the Squeebles app as well and I have also attached a copy of a game that one parent has found successful with their child. 


Have a great weekend!

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