Greys Class 30th Sept

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 8:25am

In Greys this week, we've been exceedingly busy, doing lots of great learning.

In Y1 maths, they have been recognising what numbers to ten look like in words; playing lots of games to support retention and reading. Games have also involved rolling a 0-9 dice and writing out the number they've rolled. Today, they have been practising counting on from any number other than 0. As always, we've used lots of visuals to support this, including Numicon, fingers, number tracks, diennes, counters etc.

In Y2 maths, the children were introduced to a place value chart to demarcate tens and ones. They have had lots of practise using them this week, to represent 2-digit numbers by splitting them into tens and ones. We have also begun exploring partitioning and part-whole models to break numbers into two parts, e.g. 23 can be split in 20 and 3; 2 tens and 3 ones; two tens sticks and 3 ones cubes; or twenty and three. Today, we had an introduction into writing larger numbers up to 100 in words. We will continue with this next week. 

In phonics, the children are continuing to recap their learning of phase 3 and phase 4 sounds. We will begin phase 5 in a couple of week. 

In English, we've been looking at the difference between thought bubbles and speech bubbles. We recognised how they look different. We have been inferring what our main character Wild might think or say during different parts of our book.

The Y2s have been investigating the spellings - /s/ spelt with a 'c' before an e, i or y. They've been introduced to a new dice game this week which can support spelling practice and makes learning more engaging! 

In art, we've continued with our spiral work - creating and discussing sprial shapes as seen in shells. 

In PSHE, our topic for this term has been keeping safe - this week we focused on keeping safe outside; particularly near the roads which we discussed is so important for us having to cross over to the Common each day. 

Continuous provision is continuing to be a massive hit with Greys children. Peppard Class have some new outdoor equipment which they were allowed to clamber over. It's a great opportunity from children of the different year groups to mix and learn from one another. 


Have a lovely weekend everyone,
Mrs W. 

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