Highmoor 10th March

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 2:24pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

It has been a fun week with lots of hands on activities. On Tuesday we had a workshop as part of Henley Yourh Festival. We made rainforest crowns from recycled materials (thank you very much for all your donations) as I'm sure you will have seen they look fantastic.

Wednesday was DT day where we made torches from plastic bottles, tin foil, bubble wrap and an electrical circuit with a bulb. We made an on/off switch using split pins and a paper clip. All children built their own circuit and assembled their torch. The tricky bit was trying to get the circuit to stay together as we put it inside our torch. Lots of perseverance shown here!

In literacy we continued to read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We also worked together in groups to perform the poem The Sound Collector which we have been working on for the last couple of weeks. We all really enjoyed each others performances, it was interesting to see how different each groups versions were.

In maths we continue to work with fractions. Year 3s have been focusing on non unit fractions and year 4s have been subtracting fractions from mixed numbers and improper fractions.

We used loops in Scratch programming in computing and added sound to our sprites.

In Science we continued learning about the digestive system and worked in our explanation texts. 


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