Highmoor 12th May

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 8:46am

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

We have been continuing to work on money in maths. Year 3s have been identifying amounts using different coins and notes and adding and subtracting amounts. Year 4 have been estimating to help solve money problems and doing some problem solving and reasoning.

In literacy we did some drama acting out elements from a scene in a new picture book we are looking at - Escape From Pompeii. We also wrote descriptive sentences about the scene.

In history we learnt about the different attempts to invade Britain by the Romans and why they did so and held a debate with half the class trying to persuade Emperor Claudius to invade and the other half dissuading.

In art we made shadow puppets of characters from fables using split pins. We experimented with the light source to see the effect it has on the shadow.

Homework is Doodle maths, reading, times tables and spellings as normal. Have a great weekend.

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