Highmoor 13th Jan

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 9:20am

Welcome to our first full week of school this year!

We have started our new history topic of Ancient Egypt which the children are all very excited about. We did some research and constructed timelines.

In literacy we started to read the book Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx and wrote our own text to accompany some of the pictures, taking care to punctuate speech properly. We also did some reading comprehension about the River Nile and how important it was to the ancient Egyptians. This half term in literacy we will be reading a mix of short fiction books and non fiction based around Egypt.

In maths we continue to work on multiplication and division. Yr 4s have been learning formal methods of multiplication while year 3s have been working with their 2,3,4 and 8 times table to solve problems, multiplying numbers by 10 and solving related fact problems eg 2x3=6, 20x3=60.

Our Tuesday PE sessions are all about team games and this week we were working on building trust between our team members. We did a trust fall, a group sit and stand, as a team we had to turn our magic flying carpet over without anyone falling off and finally had to make a square out of a piece of string while blindfolded. It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot about trust and teamwork. 

In art, we looked at the work of Quentin Blake and how he uses exaggeration of characteristics in his drawings. We then used Mrs Griffith as a model and did some quick life drawings using continuous line (not taking our pencils off the page), using only straight lines, and then using pens!

We are learning about classification in Science and were experimenting with buttons to dinosaurs!!

Please don't forget homework - Doodle maths, times tables and reading every day.

Have a great weekend everyone. 

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