Highmoor 16th June

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 10:35am

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

Both year groups in maths are learning about time for the next couple of weeks. Year 4s started with learning about days in weeks, months, years and leap years and how they relate to each other. Year 3s had a quick introduction to Roman numerals up to 12 and placed them on blank clock faces. Year 3s recapped telling the time to 15 minutes and then moved on to 5 minutes and 1 minute. Year 4s recapped this and moved on to converting between analogue and digital. Any time at home you can spend with your child asking them the time would be beneficial for their learning.

In literacy we spent time writing descriptive sentences about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. We carefully built up our sentences adding in adjectives, fronted adverbials, powerful verbs and prepositions. We continued to read Leopard in the Golden Cage.

This term in Computing we are learning about Computational thinking. We played games to help us understand abstraction, pattern recognition, decomposition and algorithms.

In PSHE we learnt about 2 children Chiwa and Kwende who live in Malawi. We will be investigating their lives, similarities and differences between the 2 and comparing them to ourselves. This is to give us an appreciation of the wider world and how lives can be so different to our own depending on where you live and whether you are a boy or girl.

We had several sporting events this week - well done to those taking part in the tennis tournament on Tuesday. Everyone played well and showed great sportsmanship. Cricket on Thursday at Henley Cricket Club for the year 4s was great fun and again children represented our school brilliantly.

Year 4s also took their multiplication times tables check test this week. Everyone tried their best and should be very proud of the work they've put in to learning their tables. Keep up the work with these as they are key to so many areas of maths going forwards.

We were continuing to use natural materials to make art and this week started making cyanotypes, a precursor to actual photography, created back in the 1800s by botanist Anna Atkins. What an interesting and rewarding process!

Honework as ever is Doodle maths, spellings and to read every day.

Have a lovely weekend all. 

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