Highmoor 21st January

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 8:42am

Welcome to a week in Highmoor!

In literacy we have been continuing to focus on the myth of Perseus and Medusa. We chose 2 characters from the story and practised our speech punctuation writing dialogue between them. We also wrote a description of Medusa and used adjectives, similes and metaphors.

We have been reading Who Let The Gods Out in ERIC. Any children who have a copy of this book are welcome to bring it into school. 

In maths year 3 have been learning about parallel and perpendicular lines and horizontal and vertical lines. They applied this knowledge and their knowledge about angles when investigating 2D shapes. Year 4 have been investigating symmetry and moved on to looking at coordinates on a grid. 

We learnt about Alexander the Great in history and had lots of fun reenacting his story.

We have continued to look at databases in computing. We added our own data to an existing spreadsheet and then investigated the different ways we could order and sort this information. We also looked at the same information in graph format.

PSHE this half term is focusing on rights and responsibilities. We have learnt about what our basic human rights are and how children have slightly different rights. We've had some interesting discussions about equality and debate about which of our rights are more important than others.

We have been monitoring how our plants are doing in science looking at how the lack of water, light, soil and air are affecting them and comparing them to our lucky control plants which have everything they need! Some of them are looking pretty poorly! We also started an experiment to investigate how water travels through plants using some celery and dye. 

In music we played our recorders and learnt how to play London's Burning in a round. We also learnt the notes FACE and looked at how they are written and spaced on a stave.

Please make sure Sumdog homework is completed. There are a lot of children that aren't doing this. It makes a huge impact on their times tables knowledge and consolidates what we have been doing in class. Reading should be done every night and recorded in homework diaries.

If anyone is interested in entering a writing competition Oxfordshire libraries are running a competition. Follow the link below for more information. 


Have a good weekend everyone! 



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