Highmoor 21st April

Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 11:21am

Welcome to the first week of the Summer term in Highmoor.

The children have settled back into school life quickly and have worked hard this week.

In maths year 3 started the week working with capacity and volume, adding and comparing amounts of liquid. They moved on to looking at fractions of amounts and will be continuing with this next week. Year 4s are working with decimals thinking about partitioning numbers into ones, tenths and hundredths and flexibly partitioning numbers too eg 0.56 can be partitioned into 0.5 and 0.06 or 0.4 and 0.16 etc. They have also been ordering and comparing decimals.

In literacy we investigated the poem 'Last Night I Saw The City Breathing' we looked at the language used, particularly the use of personification where an author gives an object or building etc human characteristics to help bring their writing alive. After investigating personification we had a go at writing our own versions of the poem.

Our class read is 'The Leopard in the Golden Cage' by Julia Edwards which ties in to our history topic of the Romans and their impact on Britain. We started our topic by discussing what we already knew and then investigating the founding of Rome looking at historical and archaeological evidence and the myth of Romulus and Remus.

We had a very active day on Tuesday, we had a great cricket session in the morning followed by tennis at Peppard Tennis Club in the afternoon!

In science this term we are learning about light. We were experimenting with the reflection of a beam of light on a mirror. We worked out the law of reflection and drew the diagram showing this in our books.

In music we started exploring the question “How does music make life better?” And started learning a disco song and so enjoyed a bit of a dance along.

Homework is Doodle maths, reading, times tables and spellings.

Have a lovely weekend. 


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