Highmoor 23rd June

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 12:58pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

It has been a busy week, starting off with assessments in maths and reading.

Maths has been focussed on time with both year groups telling the time in both analogue and digital. Most children have got to grips with both methods but any time spent at home on this will help consolidate their learning.

In literacy we have been writing our recount of the eruption of Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii. Children thought hard about making their writing as engaging as possible using lots of descriptive language. We are continuing to read The Leopard In TheGolden Cage.

In PSHE we continued learning about Chiwa, the young girl from Malawi and thought about her dilemma - to continue with school or to stay at home and help her Mum. We discussed stereotypes and discrimination. The children had so much to say about this topic and showed real empathy, maturity and thoughtfulness when discussing these tricky concepts.

In art we have been doing some botanical drawing. We looked closely at the different shapes that can be seen in different varieties of plants. Then focussed on only drawing what we can actually see.

We are having lots of fun learning our song for the performance at the Kenton and can't wait to show you all.

On Wednesday some of the class got to take part in a football tournament and had great fun there. They were, as always, great ambassadors for our school.

We had such a fun day on Thursday thanks to Elsie and Bethany's Mum. Mrs Rancombe came in for a science day, spending time with each class. In Highmoor, we tested both our short and long term memory and discovered what techniques we can use to improve our brains! We also got to handle some very large stick insects! At the end of the day, the whole school watched the somewhat explosive ‘Elephant’s Toothpaste’ experiment!!

We are looking forward to seeing you all later for Sports Day.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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