Highmoor 30th September

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 12:14pm

Welcome to another week in Highmoor.

In literacy we have been improving our writing by using fronted adverbials in sentences to give more information about the main clause like where, when and how things happened. We have also been identifying conjunctions and using them to extend our sentences. Our spellings this week have focused on the 'ay' sound and the different ways it is spelt eg eigh, a, ai, aigh. We are continuing to read The Firework Makers Daughter and are really enjoying the story.

We are continuing to focus on place value in maths. Year 3s have been finding 10 and 100 more of a 3 digit number which is tricky when bridging through 100s. Year 4s have been working with 4 digit numbers ordering, comparing, estimating and placing them on number lines and spent time learning Roman numerals. We continue to work on our times tables in lessons too.

In science this week we have been investigating magnets; how they attract and repel, have a North and South Pole and have different strengths.

We used our iPads in Geography to follow the path of the river Thames and identified towns and villages it flows through and how the river changes throughout.

Our PE lessons are lots of fun. We all enjoy going to the gym on Wednesdays and improving our skills there and hockey on the Common has been about ball control and becoming more familiar with the game.

In computing this week we were learning how to send emails. Everyone was able to log on, choose their own password, send Mrs Claridge an email and include a subject and main body of the email.

Homework is to read every day, Doodle maths and to learn the times table detailed in the back of Home School Diaries plusto revisit ones already learnt.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

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