Highmoor 14th July

Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 9:06am

Welcome to the last 2 weeks in Highmoor.

What a fortnight it has been! We had such an amazing time on Thursday last week at the Kenton. We had been practising hard in the previous weeks and we hope you agree that it paid off. Thank you all for coming and supporting us.

In maths year 4 have been learning about shape. We started by looking at acute, right and obtuse angles and degrees of turns. We then moved on to types of triangles and quadrilaterals and polygons. Year 3s have been continuing with time, practising switching from analogue and digital, using am and pm, converting between seconds, minutes and hours and solving word problems involving all of this. It is proving tricky for many children so any support you can give at home will be beneficial for your child. They finished time last week and moved on to shape and angles this week, learning about degrees of turn, right angles, parallel and perpendicular lines and 2D shapes.

We continued to learn about Chiwa in PSHE and how her family are affected by climate change. The children were really interested in this topic and we ended up having lots of discussion about the impact of climate change, deforestation, endangered species etc!

In literacy we have been working on non chronological reports about the Romans. We created a mind map about all that we have learnt about the Romans and their impact on Britain, planned what our reports would look like and are in the process of creating some lovely pieces of work. We also continued to write our leaflets advertising holidays abroad using our technological skills.

In RE we are thinking about why Jesus told stories. We had a visitor in on Tuesday from Four Square, a Christian charity, telling us the parable of The Lost Son. We had lots of fun acting it out and thinking about the deeper meaning behind the story. We also read the The Foolish Man and The Wise Man and again discussed why Jesus told this story. 

We had our two moving up mornings where we got to experience what it will be like in September. It is always sad to see a year group leave our classroom but all the year 4s came back very excited for next year. The year 3s enjoyed being the older ones in the class and telling the year 2s all about life in Highmoor, we played lots of games involving teamwork, made birthday cards, peg and drawer labels ready for next year and did some writing. 

The latest animated film  worked on by Dara McGarry, our marvellous animation guest in Highmoor last term, has been released on Netflix! It is called ‘Nimona’ and is rated PG. 
You can watch various trailers and then decide if it might make it on to your family viewing list. 



Homework is spellings, Doodle maths, times tables and reading.

Have a lovely weekend all.


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