Highmoor 8th September

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 10:37am

Welcome back to school everyone!

It’s been a great start to the new school year in Highmoor. The children have done so well at settling back in to school life, especially as it’s been so hot. The year 4s have stepped up to being the older children in class and have enjoyed showing the year 3s how the classroom works. The new year 3s are already confident in class and are enjoying joining in class discussions.

Our maths topic for the next few weeks is place value. Both year groups have been focusing on this with year 3 looking at numbers up to 100 and year 4 up to 1000.

We started our new history topic - How did Britain change through the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages? - with the children becoming archaeologists and exploring a cave in the classroom. They crawled through the cave to discover beautiful cave paintings and bones and tools and we thought about what those things could tell us about life in the Stone Age.

In literacy we started looking at haikus and will be building up to writing our own.

In music we had fun getting ourselves warmed and up and ready for singing our new song, a cowboy song called “Home is where the heart is”.

In art we explored the different ways we could make marks using charcoal. We used the side and tip of the charcoal to give different effects and used our finger to sweep the charcoal across the paper to create faint lines. We’ll be incorporating these skills in future work.

Children have been given new Doodle maths log ins. This is part of their homework. We expect all children to be logging on daily to complete their daily questions. All children should also read every day and spend time practising their times tables. Details of which table they will be tested on at the start of next week are in the back of their home school diaries.

Have a lovely weekend all - make the most of the sunshine while we still have it!

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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