Highmoor week commencing 15th November

Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 11:31am

Welcome to a week in Highmoor!

In maths we have been using different strategies to subtract numbers mentally. This has been very tricky and we will be coming back to this regularly. We have also continued to learn about telling the time with Mrs Griffith.

In literacy with Mrs Claridge we have continued to look at non fiction. We have been reading non fiction books in ERIC and have investigated more examples of non chronological reports so that we are clear on what they look like and the features that we need to include in our own. We have started to plan our own reports thinking about what information to include in each paragraph, pictures, captions, fact boxes, title, subheadings etc. With Mrs Griffith we are continuing to read Iron Man and are exploring the descriptive language in the text.  We looked at different types of story openings and categorised them. 

In art we are learning about printing techniques and designed and made our own collagraphs out of cardboard and string.We are looking forward to printing with them next week!

PSHE this half term is all about teamwork. We had lots of fun working as 2 teams to get ourselves into height order and then thought about what went well and what we could improve on how we worked together. In small groups we wrote our ideas down about what makes a good team. It was interesting to reflect on how each group had decided on how to record ideas and what to include.

In music we performed our melodies we have composed to accompany our cherry blossom haikus that we have been working so hard on. The results were all really beautiful and atmospheric. 

In Science this half term we are learning about evaporation and condensation and their part in the water cycle. We are investigating how quickly water evaporates depending on it's location and have placed bowls of water around the school and are measuring the amount of water left in the bowls each day. We collated results on Friday. We also had a go at matching scientific vocabulary to the correct image. 

Homework is timestables on Sumdog and reading every day. Please don't forget to record reading in Home School Diaries. Remember, Home School Diaries shoud be taken home every day and brought back into school the following day. Important log in details and are in there as are records of times tables tests and which table to focus on.

Please bring in recorders for music on Tuesday next week. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 

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