Highmoor week commencing 18th November

Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 1:02pm

Welcome to another week in Highmoor!

In Literacy this week we continued reading Iron Man. We wrote parts of it in our own words taking care to punctuate the speech properly. 

We continued to learn about prehistoric Britain by investigating the Bronze Age. We thought about the changes to society that bronze would have brought and learnt about how grave goods can give us lots of information about the people they were buried with. We then moved on to thinking about the Iron Age and wrote about all the things we would see if we were in an Iron Age hillfort. 

In maths we started the week by looking at time again. This has proved tricky for lots of the children. It would be really helpful if you could ask your children to tell you the time throughout the day, practise makes perfect!! We then moved on to drawing and understanding bar charts and pictograms. We realised how important scale was and how we needed to be accurate. 

One of our PE sessions this half term takes place at Peppard War Memorial Hall where we are learning to do electricity dancing! 

In art we have been focussing on our measuring skills. We wanted to make a template for future work so it was important that we were as accurate as we could be. We had to draw a 5 centimetre square and then surround that square with four others with the same dimensions. Having completed the shape we then checked and labelled all the lines that we had drawn. It was interesting to discover that when we really looked there were several inaccuracies.

This week, we reproduced our original template design onto card, being very careful to only use the measurements we had made. Some of us then cut out the shape and began to try and draw up the sides and stick together to create an open ended box. This was quite tricky as we found that not all the sides measured up to be able form the shape we were aiming for. We have discovered the importance of accurate measuring and careful use of tools from the outset of a project so as to prevent difficulties further down the line!

Science has been great fun. Our topic this half term is Sound. We used tuning forks in water to demonstrate that sound is created when an object vibrates and move the air around it. When we struck the tuning fork and held it against the water the water jumped and splashed us! We also placed grains of rice on drums to show that sound is created when an object is hit and vibrates. The drum skin vibrates and makes the air inside the drum vibrate. 

Homework this week is to have a look at the following website and write a report about The Amesbury Archer. https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/articles/z874kqt

On Monday we are going on a trip to Maidenhead Synagogue. We will be leaving school after regsitration and arrive back during lunch time. Children will need a packed lunch. Please can the children arrive at school in their uniform and bring PE kits with them to change into later. 

Have a great weekend!


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