Highmoor week commencing 20th September

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 2:20pm

Welcome to another week in Highmoor.

In Literacy we wrote postcards home as if we were stuck in the Stone Age using adverbial phrases to help give our parents information of when, where and how things are done. We summarised the story of Stone Age Boy and planned our own story based on this book. We wrote our first paragraph of the story taking time to choose powerful verbs and adjectives and then spent some time editing it. We have started to read the book Stig of the Dump in our ERIC sessions, we also read about Stonehenge and how it may have been built.

In maths we have continued to work on place value. We have been learning about 10, 100 and 1000 more or less and have been ordering and comparing numbers. We have also started to look at rounding numbers, so far to the nearest multiple of 10.

We have been enjoying visiting Peppard War Memorial Hall for gym sessions in PE. This week we were practising balancing with and without partners and identifying which muscles we were using in different positions.

We learnt all about Stonehenge in History and thought about what it might have been used for. We looked at all the evidence and thought about the different theories and decided for ourselves what its purpose was.

Sumdog homework has been set for times tables. It has been running since Monday and will finish Sunday evening. Please make sure your children are reading at home every day and recording it in their Home School Diaries. Thank you so much for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend all.

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