Highmoor week commencing 23rd November

Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 12:03pm

Year 4 started this week's maths by continuing to investigate perimeter; focussing on rectilinear shapes, solving problems with missing lengths and measuring carefully with a ruler. They moved on to multiplying numbers by 10 and 100. Year 3 focussed on different methods of multiplication and division including grouping and sharing and applied these to problems using 5, 10 and 2 times tables. 

In literacy we wrote setting descriptions, investigated powerful vocabulary and wrote compound sentences based on Street Child. We also started to plan our own "escape" chapters of a book.

We investigated magnetism in Science and sorted various objects according to whether they were magnetic or non magnetic. 

In Geography we've returned to thinking about cities. We've chosen the city of Venice to study as a European city. We've spent time locating Venice on a map of Europe and labelling a map of Italy showing Venice, Rome, The Adriatic Sea and the Gulf of Venice. We used an online encylopaedia to explore facts about Venice. We looked at photographs of famous landmarks and found out which can and can't be found in Venice.

In computing we learned about how to be kind online and the importance of being aware of cyber bullying.  

We have been thinking about advent in class and made a whole class advent wreath which was fun. We have also been preparing for Christmas rehearsing songs and putting together some dance moves!

Next week on Tuesday we have our virtual session from Reading Museum learning about the Victorians. Don't forget to bring in a packet/tin/box of biscuits to help our packaging investigations. This session can be paid for on school spider if you haven't already. 

Homework is Sumdog (coins will be awarded for accuracy this week!) and spellings which can be downloaded from the website and accessed on Spelling Shed too. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

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