Highmoor week commencing 27th September

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 1:47pm

Welcome to another week in Highmoor.

We have been writing our own version of the story Stone Age Boy this week in Literacy. We have taken our time writing a paragraph each day, thinking carefully about what to include and how to make it our best writing. Each paragraph featured different elements such as speech, adverbial phrases, adjectives, Onomatopoeia and building tension. The stories are excellent, and the children feel very proud of what they have achieved.

We are coming to the end of our unit of work on place value in maths. Year 4 have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and moved on to working with negative numbers. Year 3s have been counting in 50s beyond 1000. Soe had a go at rounding too and all consolidated their knowledge by solving tricky word problems using things learned over the last few weeks.

In history we have moved on to the Bronze Age and thought about how the introduction of bronze would have changed people’s lives.

In music we have been learning about Japanese haikus and explored sounds to use with our cherry blossom compositions with a variety of tunes and untunes percussion instruments.

Gymnastics this week was held in Greys class and we all enjoyed moving like Stone Age animals and balancing in positions to represent these animals. We have been practising our ball control skills out on the Common passing the ball to each other with our feet.

Our PSHE topic this half term is all about focussing on our goals and aspirations and thinking about what we have achieved so far and the type of attitude that helps us to succeed. This week we thought about what we wanted to do when we grow up and the different skills needed for different jobs.

Homework has been set on Sumdog since Monday and will finish Sunday evening. Please, please make sure it is completed. Reading should be done every night and recorded in Home School Diaries. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a great weekend dodging the rain everyone!  

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