Peppard class - 15th November 2019

Date: 13th Nov 2019 @ 4:26pm

Welcome to our week in peppard class.  

We hope you enjoyed our Remembrance assembly at church, we were very proud of the children.

We have started a new story this week, stickman by Julia Donaldson.  We began by reading the story.  We then thought about the main character and adjectives that describe how he was feeling throughout the story.  On Thursday, we re read the story and the children joined in with the repeated refrains.  We then made story maps to include the beginning, our favourite problem and the ending.  Some of the children have started to sound out and write words and captions.

In phonics this week, we have started phase 3.  We have learned the sounds j,v,w and we have practised our phase 2 tricky words.  Please can you practise the words in your child's reading book.

In maths this week, number 6 monster came to visit.  We have been looking at ways to make 6, adding and subtracting using 6 and some of the children have been adding and subtracting 6 from larger numbers.  We have been using numberblock counting cubes and the number line to help us.  We have also been doing one more and one less using our numbers so far. We have been learning about the hexagon shape.  During choosing time, the children have also been exploring shape, space and measure by weighing conkers and doing the long jump in the sand pit.  We have also been measuring using non standard measures.

Next Friday, we will be having an exciting trip to the cinema in Henley to see Stickman.  The cost of the trip will be £3.25 per child. We will travel to Henley on the minibus, the show is half an hour.

Show and tell next week will be

Monday - Taylor, Noah and Henry

Tuesday - Barney, Olivia and Elle

Wednesday - Grace, Margot and Max

Thursday - Molly, Talia and Holly

Friday - Charlie and francesca 

Have a lovely weekend.

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