Peppard Class - 23rd November 2018

Date: 19th Nov 2018 @ 5:49pm

Welcome to our week in Peppard Class.  On Monday, we started the week with our news.  The children were very detailed when talking about their family adventures and they love to do their pictures.  We then learned the digraph 'sh' and did some games and writing.  In maths, we started learning about one more and one less.  We used counters to count out a number and then add one and take one away.  The children were successful with numbers to 10 and some of them started using numbers to 20 which was a bit more challenging.  

On Tuesday, we learned a new sound in phonics which was the digraph 'ch'.  The children wrote the letter and thought of some things that began with 'ch'.  We had some yummy chocolate pictures!  In maths, we used numicon to add one more - the children are really growing in confidence with this concept.  In the afternoon, we looked at some of the pictures that show our beloved Stickman.  We decided to innovate the story and we made up new problems for him.  The children made some lovely pictures and they are starting to write captions. 

In continuous provision, some of the children made a large construction train and another group made a large construction house.  We are encouraging the children to add signs and posters to their outdoor work.  

On Wednesday, the children had a lovely day with Mrs Thompson.  They learned the new sound Qu and they played a Stickman game.

On Thursday we learned the new sound 'th' and we were all sticking our tongues out!  We have found this sound difficult so please can you practise it at home.  It can become v or f quite easily.  We had a maths session where we learned one more and one less using a number line.  We had 6 helicopter stories, we are blown away with the children's imaginations.  Lots of dragons and superheroes!  

Continuous provision has been fun this week, we have observed children packing for their holidays, we have some new teachers in class, everthing is being labelled and we have been excited to experience the change of season when we found lots of ice outside.  

Due to play rehearsals, we are not going to be able to do show and tell for the next couple of weeks, we are just too busy!

We would like to invite you to our end of topic presentation on Thursday at 3 pm.  We will sing you our autumn song, show you some lovely pictures from Grey's court and read you our new Stickman story.  

If we finish early, you can take your child.


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