Peppard Class - 5th October 2018

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 5:17pm

Welcome to our week in Peppard Class.

We had a wonderful outing to Pizza Express on Tuesday.  The children were confident and beautifully behaved.  We travelled on our school mini bus for the first time!  When we arrived at Pizza Express, the children learned about the ingredients that are in dough, made their own pizzas, watched them being cooked before heading back to school.  

In phonics this week, we have learned the sounds:

u,r,ck and we talked about digraphs (two letters, one sound)

We also learned the tricky words 'I' and 'no"

We played a variety of different games including 'cross the swamp' and 'sound buttons'.  Every child read with an adult and they are starting to recognise letters and blend them.

We are also working on writing letters.  We have used chalk, shaving foam and whiteboards to practise.  

In maths this week, we have been learning about shapes.  The children have played matching games and bingo games to support their awareness of 2d shape. We have also been counting up to 100 using a fun exercise video.  We have been practising number recognition with a game called 'Popcorn'.  We will be timing ourselves next week.

We had a PE lesson out on the common.  The children did work in pairs to kick the football to each other.  They then tried dribbling the football. 

We were very impressed with the children in the Harvest assembly.  They sang beautifully and walked to the church with their buddies chatting happily.  

We have sent a reading book home, please can you read it over the weekend and write in the record book.  We aim to change the books daily.

I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend.  We are going to the farm on Monday morning - please dress your child for the weather.  We will be having our lunch at school.




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