Peppard class - Week beginning 19.10.2020

Date: 19th Oct 2020 @ 11:49am

On Monday, we enjoyed using the water balloons for our phonics activity.  We read and wrote the chalk cvc words and then we used our water balloons to splat them.  We continued to recap our phase 2 phonic sounds.  We also learned the phase 2 tricky words, the, I, no, go, to and into.  The children played a variety of games including bingo and speedy phonics.  We have been practising letter formation and writing cvc words.  

We enjoyed playing and and learning using water balloons to see who could throw their balloon the furthest and the children had the opportunity to experience distance and compare distance.  They tried over arm and underarm throwing - the balloons were quite hard to pop!

In maths, we learned that different numbers can be arranged in different ways but they are still the same number.  We watched the numberblocks episode Stamplines and made our own paintings.  We used our subitising skills with numbers and patterns up to 5.

We then continued with number 5 and learned about number bonds,  We used a variety of different resources to visualise the number bonds including number blocks, numicon, ducks and dice.  We sang a song about number bonds to 5.  

Thank you to Lily's mum for taking us to the new site to harvest the turnips.  We had such a lovely time.  We came back to school and read the story 'The enormous turnip' and acted it out together.  We are going to carry on with the story after half term.  

We also enjoyed the story 'Harry and the bucketful of dinsoaurs'.  We thought about where the dinosaurs might have ended up when they got lost.  We also had our own missing dinosaur!  Tiger Benji, our class pet, went missing.  We made our own posters and put them up around the school.  Luckily, the little dinsoaur reappeared in Grandpa Rex's box.  

We learned the story 'The Lost sheep' alongside the school Worship council.  The class acted out the story while the Ks2 councillors read the story.  We recorded it ready for the assembly about our value 'perseverance'.  

I would just like to finish this blog by wishing you all a very happy half term and thank you to your lovely children for such a wonderful term.  

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