Peppard class - 2 July 2021

Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 4:07pm

Welcome to our week in Peppard class.  

In phonics this week, we have been learning and revisiting phase 3 sounds.  We are aiming towards quick recall and writing words contaning these sounds.  

In maths, we have been learning about number 16.  This has led us to learning about square numbers.  The children have enjoyed creating their own squares out of a variety of materials and resources.  We watched the Numberblocks to get us started.  We have also looked at numberbonds to 16 using resources and the part whole model.  

Our topic lessons have been about different kinds of bears.  We learned about panda bears and then made collages.  We also talked about endangered animals.  The next lesson was about  polar bears and our follow up activity was to make our own polar bears out of clay.  FInally, we learned about brown bears and baked some biscuits.  

We have seen some great ideas during choosing time and the children have been using vocabulary such as 'persevering'.  

Thank you Mrs Hawkins for sharing your class topic and visitors with us.  We enjoyed learning about different birds and meeting them.

Thank you to Ingrid for supporting our class and enabling them to learn about harvesting at the new school site.

Have a lovely weekend.






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