Peppard class - 22.09.2023

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:23pm

Welcome to our week in Peppard class.

In phonics we have been doing some phase 1 activities and we have begun learning some phonemes and graphemes.

We have started with s,a,t,p

Here is a parent support page from our phonics website. There are also resources available for home on this website and also on Amazon.

For parents | Letters and Sounds (

The children have also been learning to write each grapheme as we learn them.

We have continued our topic 'All about me' and we have been learning about our bodies and our senses.  We have read fiction and non fiction books, played some games and made some tasty treats.  Thank you to Mrs Deacon who made delicious and healthy wraps with the children.

The children found snails in the garden during our choosing time.  They used magnifying glasses to investigate and notice their features.  

Also during our choosing time, some of us made a wonderful house and garden with the building blocks.  We found a tiger to go inside.  We then read the story 'The Tiger who came to tea'.  

In our maths lessons, we have been sorting and matching with different resources.  The children enjoyed the story 'Grandma's button box' and we investigated and sorted our own button box.

We thoroughly enjoyed playing some instruments.  We learned to tap in time, play loudly and softly and we sang our favourite songs and rhymes.

Next week on Thursday, the children will be starting Forest school. A separate letter will be sent out about this.

Please can you bring in named welly boots for every day use on the common and make sure your child has a coat. 


Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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