Peppard class - 26th November 2021

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 12:55pm

Welcome to our week in Peppard class

Firstly, I hope you are finding our new reading scheme manageable at home.  Can I remind you that the process throughout the week starts with decoding (sounding out) and leads to fluent reading (just reading the word without the need to sound out).  Of course, if your child needs to continue decoding, please do not worry.  It really helps if you have read through the book daily because this supports fluency.  As we are trialling group reading, it does really help if your child has become familiar with the book by Friday for our prosody and comprehension lesson.  Thank you for all your support.

We have enjoyed our final week learning about Autumn and the story Stickman. We thought about Stickman when he was a pooh stick for the girl.  We did a floating and sinking activity where we predicted what might float and sink.  We then used a range of objects to test our ideas.

We decided to make our own version of the story.  We went out and about around school looking for problems for our Stickman.  We took photographs and we are going to make our very own book.  

Mrs Wall collected some lovely red leaves for us investigate and to use to make leaf rubbings. We thought about the life cycle of an oak leaf and learned about the different processes in the cycle.  

We also investigated the weather.  We were blowing bubbles and working out which direction the wind was blowing by watching the direction our bubbles floated away.

In phonics, we have learned the new sounds v,w,x and y

We have learned the spellings fat, sock, sad, hug, rock which you might like to continue at home. 

We have learned the tricky words - his, her, has, the, put, pull, full, and.

In maths we have been practising our knowledge of counting, number bonds and one more and one less.  The children have been using maths in practical ways such as painting activities, snack shop and games.

Have a lovely weekend.  The glitter starts next week ...........


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