Peppard class - 31.03.2023

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 9:26pm

Welcome to a very wet week in Peppard class.  It has been a little challenging to manage our timetable around the weather but the children have been fabulous.

We have been consolidating our term's phonics knowledge and we have been practising writing captions and sentences.  We are so impressed with how often the children choose to write.  Please do keep up with reading over the break, it really does support your child to make rapid progress.

In maths we have continued learning our number bonds to 10 using a variety of resources and pictures to support understanding.  We always watch to see how the children solve a problem or ask how they know an answer.  They are learning to articulate their maths understanding confidently. 

We enjoyed performing our story actions for Jack and Beanstalk this morning.  It was so lovely to watch you looking through your child's work and talking about their progress. 

An exciting note to finish with.  We have two events happening after the Easter holidays.  On our first day back, Monday 17th April, we are going to the Austin's farm to see and learn about the lambing.  

We will be having a workshop at school with Maddie from the River and Rowing museum on the 24th April which will start our new topic, Minibeasts.  We usually go to the River and Rowing museum but it is currently closed.  We will send a letter out about this activity during the first week back, there will be a request for a contribution of £10 towards these events.

We hope that you have a fantastic Easter holiday break.


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