Peppard class - 27th November 2020

Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 11:50pm

Welcome to our week in Peppard class.

In maths we have been comparing numbers up to 5 and looking at the difference between numbers.  The children all used language such as more and less and they used their estimating and subitising skills.  We also learned about odd and even numbers and did an activity to sort numbers into odd and even catagories. 

In our practical routine, the children have become confident when counting out the coins to pay for their snacks.  They are beginning to combine 1p and 2p coins and correcting their mistakes quite naturally.  I am very impressed with their progress.  

We have enjoyed the story of Stickman.  We went for an autumn walk to find sticks to create our own Stickman.  The children had lots of fun playing with their Stickman after they had made them.  We then watched the Stickman movie.  We based our next lesson around the part of the story when Stickman was used as a pooh stick in the water.  We did our own experiement to see which objects would float and which would sink.  The children sorted the different objects into two groups. 

In phonics, we have learned the digraphs - ai and ee.  We have learned the triagraph - igh.  

These sounds are slightly trickier to spot within words so we are spending a little longer on them.  We use the phonicsplay website to play some games.  Here is the link:

In other news, we had a postcard from Grandpa Rex!  He is in Australia.  We decided to find Australia on our map and globe and looked at the Australian flag.  We learned about a variety of Australian animals, played a game and read a lovely story.

During choosing time, the children told me that our class pet, Tiger Benji, had shrunk!  We decided to measure him and see what happens after he has been in the water tray.  He had grown 2 cm longer.

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