Friday 11th February by Edith

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 10:12am

RE day

On Wednesday this week it was RE day. We are learning about Christianity so we visited our local church. When we arrived we took some photos of the outside of the church and looked at the architecture. We then went inside to look around and we took more photos of aspects of the church including: Stained glass windows, font, pews, lectern and the pulpit. Mrs Watkins gave us some history and we then went back to school and created a page on our iPads about our local church. 
Later on in the day we had a visitor, Peter Greenman, who is a local youth minister. He came to our classroom to talk to us about his church work and what Christianity means to him. He was very interesting to listen to.


Shadow puppet show.

Last Friday we performed our shadow puppet shows in front of Greys class. We have been learning about light in science, so we created some puppets and a theatre using cardboard boxes, paper and sticks. Next we experimented the light position using torches so that the shadows would show during our performance. We created our version of our class novel, Beowulf.



We have been working hard this week to create diary entries from our novel, Beowulf. We chose a character from the novel to write a diary entry as. We made sure to write in the first person; we used time adverbials and included thoughts and feelings. 

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