2 October

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 9:08pm

Harvest Festival week.

Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend the Harvest Festival in All Saints Church. Your children did you all proud as they confidently recited their class poem so beautifully.

In Maths this week we consolidated our knowledge of Place Value before we began learning about , and in the Year 2 pupil's case, revising, bonds to 10.  This involved much play using counters, blocks, and numicon.

In English the children learnt the difference between regular and irregular verbs. English can be so tricky!  They also completed and acted out their 'Naughty Bus story sequels' much to the amusement of their classmates.

The children are making wonderful progress in their reading thanks to your assistance. 

Our Year 1's are confidently practising using their newly aquired phonics skills to write sentences. They are so proud of themselves.

In Science we completed recording all of our experiment results and discussed what had been learnt up until this point.  

In History the children learnt about Viscount William Morris of Nuffield. They were fascinated to learn about his humble beginnings, perseverence, motor car empire as well as his good deeds.

We are hoping to visit his home,  Nuffield Place, before the half-term. 

In Religious Education the children listened to and re-enacted the parable of the Good Samaritan. They talked about the lesson God wanted them to learn from this parable. Ask your child to retell you the story. 

While on the Common during lunch time, I have been so impressed with how happily the children play with children from other classes and ages. Seeing them work together so thoughtfully  to make 'nests or homes' for the deer, using grass cuttings and discussing what food they might need, is so endearing. How lucky they are to attend this special school!  We are so proud of our Greys class children who regularly, voluntarily ensure that the children from Peppard class return to their classroom safely. They are amazing!

A reminder to all to ensure that your child's belongings are labeled and that they have a pair of Wellies at school as we approach colder wetter weather. 



Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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