About Us

This web site aims to give you a taste of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.

Our school aims to look beyond the National Curriculum and give children exciting opportunities that they wouldn’t normally have access to. Through a broad range of lessons and extra curricular activities we expect to support children in discovering both their strengths and passions. We aim to help children develop skills and interests that will ensure they are ready for the next part of their learning journey.

The school was recently inspected by SIAMS (Inspectorate for Anglican and Methodist Schools) in October 2016. The result was a ‘Good’ judgement, where they found:

‘Strong values based on support, tolerance and respect and linked implicitly to Christian principles and teaching underpin excellent relationships, behaviour and attitudes to learning and daily life.’

We completed our most recent Ofsted inspection in December 2021, which judged the school to be ‘Good’. The report can be found on our parents page.  Please do take the time to read it. Amongst the many positive comments, the inspector noted:

'Pupils quite simply love being part of the school community. They really appreciate the range of out-of-school activities on offer, including sports, singing and cooking. Pupils develop into thoughtful young citizens, well set up for the future in terms of confidence and self-belief. They develop the maturity to be accepting of differences and understand the need to be tolerant of others. Behaviour is mostly exemplary. Pupils develop a healthy attitude to learning and are courteous and respectful to each other and adults.'

We are actively engaged with our local community and have a close relationship with our Church. With are also forming links nationally and internationally.

A website can only give you a flavour of our school so if you are considering Peppard as a school for your child please do make an appointment to come and see for yourself.  I would be delighted to show you around.

We take 15 children each year, but there are occasions when we are also able to offer places to children in other year groups, for example, if families move to another area.


Nick Steele


Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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