Week 3 20 - 24 November
Date: 26th Nov 2023 @ 2:57pm
Week 20 - 24 November
Phew! What a busy week.
Full disclosure; Mrs Tully is officially the most confused teacher at Peppard! I apologise for getting our much antisipated Design and Technology dates mixed up again! Although we have completed the first of our block days, we shall be making our 'Baby Bear Chairs' this coming Tuesday! Please send and old oversized T-shirt or art smock.
On Monday, Greys children spent the day learning about what shapes are the strongest and most stable, the stability of 3D shapes and the difference between 'Man Made and Natural'. After exploring their classroom and the outdoors, the children drew their collection of man-made and natural objects on their whiteboards and reported back to the class. They then used playdoh to make spheres, cuboids, cyclinders and pyramids and tested which was the most stable. I am very proud of how well they worked with their designated partners to measure and record their results.
On Tuesday the children were delighted to meet gorgeous baby Jack White when Mrs White visited the class. They asked her many questions and he seemed quite at home in Greys class.
In English we have been looking at the difference between writing a postcard and a letter. The children have been practising using noun phrases within the postcard format and have written their rough draught, ready to edit and write their final peice. Many have asked if they can actually post these to their grandparents. Please could you provide them with the correct address.
In Maths we have continued with the section on subtracton. We have made significant progress this week. I am so proud, in particular, of the Year 2's who have begun to learn to subtract two 2 digit numbers; initially within the 10 and then across the 10. Although some have found this challenging, they persevered and are encouraged to continue to do so.
In the coming week, the year 1's are to start learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their characteristics. Please casually make your children aware of these shapes around them at home and while out.
In Science we went through the steps taken when making our rain gauges, ammended them and looked at how we are to record rainfall in the coming week (as we had little to none this past week!)
In Geography we learnt about the largest rivers on each continent and labeled them on a map. The children then enjoyed competing in pairs to find these in their atlases. This gave them the opportunity to learn to find their way around and atlas, use the contents page to locate the continent and then to look for the river within that continent.
In R.E. we are learning about Judaism and this week, learnt about the Torah and about the covenant Abraham made with God.
In PSHE the chiildren are learning about the value of being a good listener. They had to take direction from their partner to draw an object. Many found explaining as difficult as following the instruction.
Our Nativity rehearsals are coming along really well. Mrs Fowler has been hard at work making props, but we need your help in this regard. This week I shall be sending out a list of the props we stull need. please let me know if you are willing to assist.
HELP! We are looking for large flags from the following countries:China, USA, UK, Poland, Malawi, Australia, Ireland. Those we are unable to source, we shall paint.
Please continue to help your child learn and practise their speaking parts for the Nativity Play in order to assist us in our rehearsals.
Please look to see what you need to source for you child's nativity costume.
Please could the children bring an old oversized t-shirt or art smock for Tuesday as we are going to be painting our chairs.
Have a great week.
Mrs Tully